prt_in.gat,28,73,4 script 賢い老女 78,{ UPGRADEROOT: // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "Good day, young one. I have the power to remove cards that you have compounded onto your equipment. Does this idea please you?"; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "いい天気だね、若いの。"; mes "ところで、アタシは武具に装着している"; mes "カードを取り外す力を持っているけど、"; mes "力を貸そうかね?"; next; // menu "Yes, it does.",REMOVEMENU, // "What do you charge?",REMOVEPRICE, // "No thanks.",CLOSEOUT; menu "お願いします。",REMOVEMENU, "いくらかかるんですか?",REMOVEPRICE, "必要ないです。",CLOSEOUT; REMOVEPRICE: // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "I charge a flat fee of 200000 zeny, plus 25000 zeny for each card I remove from the item. In addition, I need a star crumb and a yellow gemstone to work my magic."; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "そうだね、"; mes "まず基本料金として^4040FF200000z^000000。"; mes "そしてカード1枚につき^4040FF25000z^000000貰うよ。"; mes "あとは、魔法を使うために^4040FF星のかけら^000000と"; mes "^4040FFイエロージェムストーン^000000が1つずつ必要だよ。"; next; // menu "Very well. Let's do it.",REMOVEMENU, // "No thanks.",CLOSEOUT; menu "お願いします。",REMOVEMENU, "必要ないです。",CLOSEOUT; REMOVEMENU: // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "Very well. Which item shall I examine for you?"; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "よしよし。"; mes "どの武具のカードを取り外すんだね?"; next; // menu "I changed my mind.",CLOSEOUT, menu "やっぱりやめます。",CLOSEOUT, getequipname(1),-, getequipname(2),-, getequipname(3),-, getequipname(4),-, getequipname(5),-, getequipname(6),-, getequipname(7),-, getequipname(8),-, getequipname(9),-, getequipname(10),-; set @part,@menu-1; if(getequipcardcnt(@part) == 0) goto DENYCARDCOUNT; set @cardcount,getequipcardcnt(@part); // if(@cardcount > 1) goto CARDNUMMULTIMSG; // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "This item has " + @cardcount + " card compounded on it. To perform my magic, I will need 225000 zeny, a ^0000FFStar Crumb^000000, and a ^0000FFYellow Gemstone^000000."; // goto CARDNUMPOSTMSG; //CARDNUMMULTIMSG: // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "This item has " + @cardcount + " cards compounded on it. To perform my magic, I will need " + (200000+(@cardcount * 25000)) + " zeny, a ^0000FFStar Crumb^000000, and a ^0000FFYellow Gemstone^000000."; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "この武具には" + @cardcount + "つカードがついてるね。"; mes "^0000FF" + (200000+(@cardcount * 25000)) + "z^000000と^0000FF星のかけら^000000と^0000FFイエロージェムストーン^000000が必要だよ。"; //CARDNUMPOSTMSG: next; // menu "Very well. Do it.",REMOVECARDWARNING, // "Never mind.",CLOSEOUT; menu "わかりました、お願いします。",REMOVECARDWARNING, "やっぱりやめます。",CLOSEOUT; REMOVECARDWARNING: // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "Before I begin, I must warn you--I may fail. If I do, I may destroy the cards, the item, or both. I do not give refunds. That being said, which is more important to you: The cards, or the item?"; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "おっと言い忘れるところだったね。"; mes "この魔法はとても難しいから、"; mes "^FF4040失敗するかもしれない^000000のさ。"; mes "失敗したらカードか武具、あるいは"; mes "その両方が^FF4040破壊されてしまう^000000かも"; mes "しれないんだよ。"; next; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "失敗しても^FF4040返金はしない^000000から、"; mes "一応聞いて置くけど、比べるなら"; mes "カードと武具のどっちが大切だい?"; next; // menu "I changed my mind about this.",CLOSEOUT, // "The item.",PRIORITYITEM, // "The cards.",PRIORITYCARD; menu "それならやめます。",CLOSEOUT, "武具の方が大切です。",PRIORITYITEM, "カードの方が大切です",PRIORITYCARD; PRIORITYITEM: set @failtype,1; goto REMOVECARD; PRIORITYCARD: set @failtype,2; goto REMOVECARD; REMOVECARD: // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "Very well. I shall begin."; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "よし、始めるよ。"; next; if((zeny < (200000+(@cardcount * 25000))) || (countitem(1000) < 1) || (countitem(715) < 1)) goto DENYMATERIAL; set zeny,zeny - (200000+(@cardcount * 25000)); delitem 1000,1; delitem 715,1; // Replace the constants in the next 3 lines with failure chance values defined in refine_db.txt // First value = Total failure chance (item and cards destroyed) // Second value = Partial failure chance (one or the other is destroyed, player decides which one is safe) // Third value = Harmless failure chance (all that's lost is your investment) set @failchance,rand(100); if(@failchance < 2) goto FAILREMOVECARD0; if((@failchance < 6) && (@failtype == 1)) goto FAILREMOVECARD1; if((@failchance < 6) && (@failtype == 2)) goto FAILREMOVECARD2; if(@failchance < 10) goto FAILREMOVECARD3; successremovecards @part; // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "The process was a success. Here are your cards and your item. Farewell."; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "うまくいったよ。"; mes "これらが武具とアイテムさ。じゃあね。"; close; FAILREMOVECARD0: // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "The process was a total failure. I am afraid the item and the cards were destroyed."; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "残念だけど完全に失敗したよ。"; mes "武具もカードも壊れてしまった。"; failedremovecards @part,0; close; FAILREMOVECARD1: // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "While I have managed to remove the cards from the item, they were destroyed in the process. The item, however, is okay."; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "頑張ったけどね、"; mes "カードのほうは全部壊れてしまったよ。"; mes "でも武具の方は無事だったよ。"; failedremovecards @part,1; close; FAILREMOVECARD2: // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "Most unfortunate. I succeeded at removing the cards, but the item itself was destroyed in the process."; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "不運だったね。"; mes "カードを取り外すのはうまくいったけど"; mes "武具が壊れてしまったよ。"; failedremovecards @part,2; close; FAILREMOVECARD3: // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "I have failed to remove the cards. Luckily, however, both the item and the cards are still okay."; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "カードを取り外すのに失敗したよ。"; mes "でも、不幸中の幸いさ。"; mes "武具もカードも無事だよ。"; failedremovecards @part,3; close; DENYCARDCOUNT: // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "Young one... There are no cards compounded on this item. I can do nothing with it, I'm afraid."; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "若いの、カードがついてないよ。"; mes "それじゃアタシの出番はないさ。"; close; DENYMATERIAL: // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "You do not have all the items I require to work my magic, child. Come again when you do."; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "必要なアイテムが足りないようだね。"; mes "アイテムを揃えてもう一度来な。"; close; CLOSEOUT: // mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; // mes "Very well. Return at once if you seek my services."; mes "[賢い老女]"; mes "わかったよ。"; mes "アタシの力が必要ならいつでも来な。"; close; }