21:& ◆ylG0oGXU7wC9 2014/09/19(金) 17:06:28 ID:5eGAJyAT0 [pjqiecpv@gmail.com]
of releasing special editions of their most popular vehicles. That! ̄s great news for the second hand buyer
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22:& ◆ArATaf8E7MlG 2014/09/19(金) 17:06:53 ID:5eGAJyAT0 [pjqiecpv@gmail.com]
the Nova was a more compact and economically priced brother to the Camaro. Later versions boasted a V8 engine which augmented the car! ̄s performance.And so a pattern was emerging
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23:& ◆gKU2/Io1OdQZ 2014/09/19(金) 17:07:16 ID:5eGAJyAT0 [pjqiecpv@gmail.com]
particularly if the vehicles are sign-written with the company! ̄s name and insignia. An !ROverspeed! ̄ report can indicate clearly if a driver needs to be spoken to concerning his or her driving habits. The result of this can be to cut fuel bills
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24:& ◆ylG0oGXU7wC9 2014/09/19(金) 17:07:30 ID:5eGAJyAT0 [pjqiecpv@gmail.com]
it is important to incentivize them accordingly. Contests have a way of focusing an employee! ̄s actions and keeping them motivated.Are your employees prompt with your customers? Promptness is another quality that is free and therefore often overlooked. A renewed focus on promptness can result in dramatic increases of your CSI scores. Are you calling the customer when you said you would? Are you following up on a customer! ̄s issue in a timely fashion? If not
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25:miu miu & ◆KsWug7CbrBYk 2014/09/19(金) 17:07:33 ID:5eGAJyAT0 [pjqiecpv@gmail.com]
until now. J.D. Power and Associates has predicted that the number of cars powered by diesel will triple on America! ̄s roads in the next ten years.Diesel is much cleaner now than it was 30 years ago as well
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26:& ◆JmYDy.gv3Hap 2014/09/19(金) 17:07:44 ID:5eGAJyAT0 [pjqiecpv@gmail.com]
that this wasn! ̄t the case!My first impressions were that this is so much more than a cheap city car
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27:& ◆ArATaf8E7MlG 2014/09/19(金) 17:07:54 ID:5eGAJyAT0 [pjqiecpv@gmail.com]
in contrast to the Cat! ̄s fussy accessories. They both lock in with a reassuring click
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