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11:& ◆fmcqhEPLXH0P 2014/09/19(金) 17:02:55 ID:5eGAJyAT0 [pjqiecpv@gmail.com] AAS
or creases on the bodywork.Where possible take a qualified mechanic with you to view the vehicle before handing over any money.Take the car for a test drive ¨C it may be uncomfortable or have a blind spot. You can also see then just how !Rhealthy! ̄ it sounds.Finally
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14:& ◆Vleu21U3TC/P 2014/09/19(金) 17:04:48 ID:5eGAJyAT0 [pjqiecpv@gmail.com] AAS
make a win actually worth something more than a trophy.The racing we saw at the All-Star event is the racing we should see every weekend. Get rid of the Fontana tracks that produce races that are the equivalent of watching grass grow. Let! ̄s stick with tracks with exciting races and make the win really worth going after. Do that and the talk of the demise of NASCAR will be an ancient memory before you know it. |||Dirk Gibson writes about car issues for
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