// PukiWiki - Yet another WikiWikiWeb clone.
// $Id: proxy.php,v 1.4 2003/10/01 05:38:47 arino Exp $
* http_request($url)
* HTTPリクエストを発行し、データを取得する
* $url : http://から始まるURL(http://user:pass@host:port/path?query)
* $method : GET, POST, HEADのいずれか(デフォルトはGET)
* $headers : 任意の追加ヘッダ
* $post : POSTの時に送信するデータを格納した配列('変数名'=>'値')
* $redirect_max : HTTP redirectの回数制限
// リダイレクト回数制限の初期値
function http_request($url,$method='GET',$headers='',$post=array(),
global $use_proxy,$proxy_host,$proxy_port;
global $need_proxy_auth,$proxy_auth_user,$proxy_auth_pass;
$rc = array();
$arr = parse_url($url);
$via_proxy = $use_proxy and via_proxy($arr['host']);
// query
$arr['query'] = isset($arr['query']) ? '?'.$arr['query'] : '';
// port
$arr['port'] = isset($arr['port']) ? $arr['port'] : 80;
$url_base = $arr['scheme'].'://'.$arr['host'].':'.$arr['port'];
$url_path = isset($arr['path']) ? $arr['path'] : '/';
$url = ($via_proxy ? $url_base : '').$url_path.$arr['query'];
$query = $method.' '.$url." HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$query .= "Host: ".$arr['host']."\r\n";
$query .= "User-Agent: PukiWiki/".S_VERSION."\r\n";
// proxyのBasic認証
if ($need_proxy_auth and isset($proxy_auth_user) and isset($proxy_auth_pass))
$query .= 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic '.
// Basic 認証用
if (isset($arr['user']) and isset($arr['pass']))
$query .= 'Authorization: Basic '.
$query .= $headers;
// POST 時は、urlencode したデータとする
if (strtoupper($method) == 'POST')
$POST = array();
foreach ($post as $name=>$val)
$POST[] = $name.'='.urlencode($val);
$data = join('&',$POST);
$query .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$query .= 'Content-Length: '.strlen($data)."\r\n";
$query .= "\r\n";
$query .= $data;
$query .= "\r\n";
$fp = fsockopen(
$via_proxy ? $proxy_host : $arr['host'],
$via_proxy ? $proxy_port : $arr['port'],
if (!$fp)
return array(
'query' => $query, // Query String
'rc' => $errno, // エラー番号
'header' => '', // Header
'data' => $errstr // エラーメッセージ
fputs($fp, $query);
$response = '';
while (!feof($fp))
$response .= fread($fp,4096);
$resp = explode("\r\n\r\n",$response,2);
$rccd = explode(' ',$resp[0],3); // array('HTTP/1.1','200','OK\r\n...')
$rc = (integer)$rccd[1];
// Redirect
switch ($rc)
case 302: // Moved Temporarily
case 301: // Moved Permanently
if (preg_match('/^Location: (.+)$/m',$resp[0],$matches)
and --$redirect_max > 0)
$url = trim($matches[1]);
if (!preg_match('/^https?:\//',$url)) // no scheme
if ($url{0} != '/') // Relative path
// to Absolute path
$url = substr($url_path,0,strrpos($url_path,'/')).'/'.$url;
// add sheme,host
$url = $url_base.$url;
return http_request($url,$method,$headers,$post,$redirect_max);
return array(
'query' => $query, // Query String
'rc' => $rc, // Response Code
'header' => $resp[0], // Header
'data' => $resp[1] // Data
// プロキシを経由する必要があるかどうか判定
function via_proxy($host)
global $use_proxy,$no_proxy;
static $ip_pattern = '/^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})(?:\/(.+))?$/';
if (!$use_proxy)
return FALSE;
$ip = gethostbyname($host);
$l_ip = ip2long($ip);
$valid = (is_long($l_ip) and long2ip($l_ip) == $ip); // valid ip address
foreach ($no_proxy as $network)
if ($valid and preg_match($ip_pattern,$network,$matches))
$l_net = ip2long($matches[1]);
$mask = array_key_exists(2,$matches) ? $matches[2] : 32;
$mask = is_numeric($mask) ?
pow(2,32) - pow(2,32 - $mask) : // ""
ip2long($mask); // ""
if (($l_ip & $mask) == $l_net)
return FALSE;
if (preg_match('/'.preg_quote($network,'/').'/',$host))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;